There is a certain quality that I look for in people I come across; I like to call it a bias for action. In the electrical engineering sense, the word 'bias' is a term used to describe the concept of initiating and directing the flow of electrons—crucial for optimal component performance. Within a person, it is some sort of internal belief that propels a person to act, manifesting itself in an outward series of actions. It fuels their consistency in whatever task is at hand, be it lifting weights, competing in basketball, or writing a novel. There is an inner drive to try new things, take risks, and get more out of life!
This is a great characteristic in people to keep company. Their inner impulsivity for actions flows like a current through them to others around them. It charges their inner engine, motivating them to be more productive, to write, to read, to exercise, and to experience life with passionate appreciation for all it has.
However, every virtue has its vice; the downside is being pulled in their direction of motion. There is nothing malicious about this; it is a consequence of their strong pull. Be aware of your own long-term goals so as not to be swayed by their trajectory but rather inspired by it.